
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Truthful Thursday - Forgive and forget

FORGIVE-to excuse for a fault or an offence; to begin letting go of anger, hurt or resentment.
FORGET-to banish from one's thoughts; to cease remembering.
Which of these two can you easily do?  Which is harder to do? Do they go hand in hand? Why am I going here, you might ask.  Well, it is fitting with my theme on Thursday, being truthful.  An incident happened a few years ago when I was so upset, angry and hurt and I said these exact words: if she thinks I will forgive and forget, she is very wrong because I will take this to my grave. Wow, now that I am writing this, that is so strong and so definite.  For those of you who are my friends, you know that I am not a mean person.  A few months later, something else in life happened, then you wonder maybe because you said those words, now I am being punished. So we are back to the famous quote: LIFE IS TOO SHORT.  I guess since this is the year of the bunny, who is the kindest animal in the zodiac, it's the year for me to forgive and forget. A year to be kind, to forgive the people who hurt me really bad, to forget those incidents, and start really enjoying life without those grudges, anger and resentment.  


  1. Forgiveness is releasing yourself of the burden of having to keep track of the wrongdoings committed to you, and harboring the hurt feelings. It's very liberating. Good for you!

    I once heard:
    UNforgiveness is like eating poison, and expecting the other person (who hurt you) to die.

  2. So if your are in the forgiving mood, are you ready to forgive Tanda. I am not at this point. Maybe you should hound him as promised
