
Friday, January 2, 2015

Fruit Friday - A different marmalade

When Jeff came home yesterday from his mother's house, he brought some more lemons and oranges.  The produce are from my MIL's tree.  Since we cannot keep up eating these fruits, it was time to make another batch of marmalade.  I really enjoyed making my first batch.  It turned out really good that it was good enough to give some away.  I only kept one for myself so that is why I am making another batch.  This time I am being spontaneous and creative.  This is my own recipe of Orange, Lemon and Pineapple marmalade.  I started last night and realized I did not have enough jars for the finished product.  We ended up doing a last minute trip to Target to buy a dozen mason jars.  I was happy to see that they jars I got had some fruit design on the front which is a perfect container for my marmalade.  My sister saw my post about the marmalade and it's appropriate for me to send her a sample.  It's just too bad that it's a little expensive to send packages in Canada.  Even when the box is small and it's not heavy, it would still be over $10 for the package.  Most of the packages that I have sent usually is more expensive than the contents.  Anyway, the jars have been filled and the lid just popped.  Now that I know how to make jams and marmalade, I will have enough supply for this year.

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