
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Truthful Thursday - Meditation is not easy

When I was having difficulty sleeping, my doctor suggested to take a Meditation Class to see if it helps me relax prior to sleeping.  I attended a class last Tuesday just to see what it was all about.  Although I don't have any more sleeping problems, I thought I would still check it out.  At first I thought I was in the wrong class because everyone in the room talks about their health issues and the majority of their mood was sadness and depressed.  Then each one talked about the benefit and problems they have about meditation. After the introductions, etc. the doctor/instructor said it was time to practice meditation. The lights were dimmed and everyone closed their eyes.  I really did not have a clue why no one was giving the instruction on how to meditate. Then I realized that maybe that I picked up a class that had started weeks prior.  After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and noticed the doctor was nodding his head off - you know falling asleep.  There was apart of me that wanted to get up and just sneak out of the room.  Another part of me was ready to giggle because I realized that it was a total waste of time and waste of my $10.  That's right I paid for this.  Fifteen minutes later, the doctor woke up as well as everyone.  Again each one had to say how they felt, etc.  When it came for me to speak, I said "I don't think this is for me and I hope you don't mind if I leave the room".  I walked out and by the time I got to my car, it was LOL time.  Listening to everyone in that class made me realize that I am just way to happy for that group. I should have just gone golfing and saved that money for other fun things to do.

By the way, I found some cards that I gave to Jeff a long time ago.  It had simple sayings about life and I thought I would share some of them with you.  I hope that you find one or two useful when dealing with issues of life.


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