
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Truthful Thursday - Golf Shoes Wrap

One of our golfer on Thursday told me that I could probably make these special golf shoes wrap or accessories since she hear that I am very creative with my sewing.  So here is how it started and how it ends.

This is my Nike Golf Shoes with the new wrap I made which I wear with my pink golf outfits.

This is the extra one I made for my other white golf shoes and will use a matching green laces.

This is the original one that my friend lent in order for me to make a pattern.

This is how it looks once you lace it up.  They are reversible and so are the ones I made
Now that I have the pattern, I can create as many wraps as I need because I can just use some of my left over fabrics.  Truthfully, I am just too cheap to buy them but then again, the ones I made will be all original and I will be the only one who has those patterns and colors.

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