
Monday, December 3, 2018

Meticulous Monday - Sometimes you just have to be

Paying attention to details, very careful and precise, that's meticulous.  But does some have to be in their day to day life.  For those you are still working, this particular trait might be very important with their current job.  Now, when you are retired, I believe you still do some things meticulously if you have that type of trait.  Wait a minute, is it a trait or something that is learned through life.  However you got there, it is might be good to practice a little of it and apply to whatever it is your working. One occupation that comes to mind is a Car Detailing.  The word detail is already in their title so they must be really meticulous when it comes to that line of work.  An event planner is the second idea that popped into my head.  Can you imagine if that person was not meticulous? The event will be a disaster.  Here are some of the things I have learned through the years and some are probably already ingrained in your mind so maybe this could be just a reminder.  As we grow old, we know that certain things that are not used tend to be forgotten. Maybe every Monday will be our Meticulous or Memory Monday.  
  • Plan your day
  • Know where to find what you need when you need it
  • Important versus Urgent
  • Set routines that fits your lifestyle
  • Make use of free time to be creative
  • Focus on what matters
  • Multi task intelligently
  • Write everything down
  • Manager energy and time
  • My favorite - measure twice, cut once

Image result for meticulous habits clip art

Image result for productive habits clip art

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