Look what I saw on our way home on Saturday night. I ask Jeff to stop at both these homes because they were very well decorated and it's too bad I did not take a video of the second house because there were some that actually moves. It's a must for family with kids to see.
But for now, I am just sharing with you so you can see and how it makes you feel like it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Aww I just love Christmas lights! Two weekends ago my best friend and I drove around enjoying all the lights and it was so nice to do that. I haven't done that in years. It really feels like Christmas just snuck up on us. We had our first snow fall here and so this morning was probably the first time it truly felt like the Holiday season. Before today, it's been 80 degrees and sunny! Leesh commented on twitter that it was weird for me to get snow before her in Canada. Believe me, I was shocked to wake up to snow on the ground and covering my car!