
Monday, June 17, 2024

Just in case June - Ready to go bag

 After a couple of months being late with my post, I decided to get really organized and have this post ready sometime during mid month. I am hoping that every one is enjoying their first day of summer.  Although it is nice to enjoy the heat of the sun, in our neck of the wood, it might not be as welcomed.  The fire season will be starting soon.  I am sure you know that in some part of Alberta and British Columbia, they have already started.  We are all hoping for more rain during the summer.  I hope your area is safe and that you are taking precautions and not take this issue for granted.  Just in case you don't have a ready to go bag, maybe this month, make sure you have a bag with some of the essentials just in case your area will be on Alert or maybe even evacuated.  On that note, here's a short list of what you need.

  • Food (ready to eat) and water
  • Phone charger and battery bank
  • Small battery-powered or hand-crank radio
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank flashlight
  • Extra batteries
  • Small first-aid kit and personal medications
  • Personal toiletries and items, such as an extra pair of glasses or contact lenses
  • Copy of your emergency plan
  • Copies of important documents, such as insurance papers and identification
  • Cash in small bills
  • Local map with your family meeting place identified
  • Seasonal clothing and an emergency blanket
  • Pen and notepad
  • Whistle
Enjoy whatever you are doing this summer but stay safe and be prepared. 

2023 Fire in West Kelowna

Monday, June 3, 2024

May was only a few days ago

 Although May was only a few days ago, it is still considered late. My apologies and I hope that you were able to enjoy my last months post.  This month I am going to share more sceneries taken between the last few months.  I thought that I would organize my post a bit more, but I still want to share some photos that other readers are waiting from, like food and crafts. Here are some in my front yard and backyard.

Sunset from our living room window.

View from one of main road during our walk.

While visiting my cousin in Blaine, WA this bunny was waiting.

A pheasant in our backyard.

The deer are our frequent guest that loves to stop by.

One of the amazing sunset right from our living room window.

That is all for this month.  I am going to make sure I am not for my monthly post just in case there are some of you that are checking this blog once in a while. Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A very late April

During our Sunday walk, I took some photos and then I remembered that I have not posted anything for April and May.  But then, no one is probably missing it.  So when I got home, I immediately checked and sure enough I missed two months.  My excuse for the month of April, well our golf course opened and I started to golf everyday for the next two weeks.  After that, I decided to just that I will only golf Monday to Friday and have a rest for two days. I have only a few pictures to share from the golf course.

Two baby owls with very fluffy feathers on hole # 7

Red poppy on hole # 1

When it is a rainy day and I cannot golf, I will do my crafts or do some baking. Here are some of the items I have done so far.

Chicken Pot pie for one of our get togethers.

Banana oatmeal coconut nut muffins

Felt bookmarkers

Rhubarb with white chocolate with cinnamon sugar almond topping.

A new project, fabric passport holders.

That's all for this month. I have to do another one, so I hope you will check it out.