
Monday, January 10, 2011

Maybe Monday - Road Sign

On our way to Gamble’s house yesterday, we decided to take the scenic road and not use the regular highway (101).  The street was called Santa Teresa and it was pretty well a straight shot from our house to theirs. We have used this route a few times but for some reason, this is the first time I noticed this particular sign. So after we dropped off Gamble, we took the same route in order for us to take a photo of this road sign. See for yourself.

So just to make sure that I was not reading it incorrectly, that's my proof. I also check the dictionary in case this is a new word that has been added or a replacement for the word DIVIDED.  Each time I did the search, it keeps asking me, do you mean divided?

Cutter, puncher, lighter, box, humidor = CIGARS.  A month ago I was searching for a surprise gift for Jeff for Christmas. Since he plays Poker with the boys every 6th week or so, I thought of getting him some cigars. I stopped by a Cigar shop and ended up with a puncher/lighter, several types of cigar both flavored and regular.  The salesperson was very helpful and knowledgeable without being annoying. This past weekend, I took Jeff back to the same store as he is now interested in getting a small box with a humidor, but the store did not have anything that he liked. We checked out another store and saw a small travel humidor. It was shaped like a tiny poker chips carrying case that holds 6 cigars. He is currently checking online but I am amazed how much information you learn just by going to two shops.

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