
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tighter Tuesday - It's not that easy

Since our return to live in Canada, I have to admit that my health issues are being looked after just a little tighter.  I don't mind it because it is for my own good, but changing some of the meal plan and ways of treating the problem is a bit tougher.  When I was living in the US, the health care was just fine, nothing special and a bit expensive.  There are some good part, like not much waiting in line and a shorter wait for appointments.  But honestly, I prefer the way Canada's health care takes care of their citizens.  So why am I talking about this today?  I wanted to share some of the tips regarding healthy eating that my dietitian provided me during my last visit.  It's not really a diet but just some changes in the way I eat or how to pick the better type of food.  I have been trying to follow this and makes some changes to my eating habits and I am happy to report that I am feeling great and have lost some weight.  Maybe you have seen some of the article about LCHF (Lower Carbohydrate Healthy Fat) way of eating.  Here's the Basic Principles in short form:

  1. Minimize carbs
  2. As much as possible, eliminate processed foods
  3. Eat same amount of protein 
  4. Increase intake of natural fats
  5. Limit time during which you eat
  6. There's an adaptation period - don't give up to quickly
  7. Alcohol tolerance decreases with this way of eating
  8. This is away of eating -NOT A DIET
  9. Remember, it's not all about eating, take time to exercise, social connections and SLEEP
  10. Read labels and keep in mind - Junk is JUNK.  
There are lots of good choices in the FOODS to eat List and of course there's a list of Foods to AVOID.   For the last three months I have been constantly looking at this list so I can memorize what foods I truly need to avoid.  Although I have been following most of these principles, I still adjust according to my blood test results, my daily activities and am constantly trying to measure portions of each meal.  Once in a while I do cheat but it does not make me a bad person, right?

Image result for healthy eating quotes

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