
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Separately Saturday - Succulents and Orchids

Bragging is not my style but when it comes to my Orchid plant, I cannot help it but brag because it is very difficult for me to accept that I actually kept it alive.  Not only alive but it has given me five beautiful flowers.  Although I have to give credit to Jeff who does the watering of our indoor plants, I am the one who talks to it and takes photos and ensure that it does not get moved as it seems to love it's location.  Now that the all the buds have opened into beautiful orchids, all I need to do is show it, share it, and hopefully give my readers something to enjoy, that is if you are into plants.  

This past weekend, we decided to check Home Depot for some more succulents.  If you remember a few years ago, we planted lots of beautiful annuals in the back yard only to find out after a few days that the squirrels ate the flowers and ruined the rest of the plants.  I told Jeff that we won't be planting anymore of those types and we resorted to succulents.  With the drought, etc. it seems this was the way to go.  We bought new ones and transferred the smaller ones which we planted separately but have now all been rejoined with others.  They are now in two big pots which makes it easier for watering.

Talking about plants vs squirrels, today Jeff saw two squirrels wandering in our two garden box checking out the most recent plant that Jeff just put in.  They were all vegetable plants like yellow squash, cucumber, eggplant,  basil, tomatoes, peppers and watermelon.  I hope that they won't back.  Last year when Jeff planted something similar, these squirrels ruined most of them by digging the plants they can't eat and snipping all the leaves of the ones they like.  I don't know how anyone can think of them as cute when all they do is ruin plants and flowers for us.  This is the reason why I cannot get excited about gardening.  Damn squirrels.

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