
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Washable Wednesday- A complete set for my new purse

It all started when my daughter was visiting and she wanted to do some sewing.  The first project she tried was doing some fabric wallet for your paper money or maybe valuable coupons.  At that time she made a few for her friends and after she left I started making my own and for some of my friends.  Later on I experimented on other sizes to be used to organize my purse.  Each time I made them I kept on adding and now there's a total of nine pieces for each of my set.  As for my collection, I have a few to match the purse I am using.  So far I have a pink set, purple set, turquoise set, black/red set, and an assorted of colors that are left over fabrics.  This week I decided to make something blue to match my new navy blue back pack purse.  I decided to label each of the items so you can figure out what each of them are used.  Organizing my purse is very important to me as I like to be able to find whatever item I need.  As you can see I don't have a make up case. The reason for this is that every purse have a zippered section inside and I just use that.  I guess when you are my age you don't really need a lot.  My basics are my lip gloss, eye liner, hand lotion, blotting paper, comb, and an elastic for my hair.  What I love about the stuff that I make is that they are all washable and they keep their shape after ironing.  How do you organize your purse?  


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